ProjectBahamut2 - C++ OpenGL Game Engine

Sep 3, 2023

ProjectBahamut2 - C++ OpenGL Game Engine

ProjectBahamut is a temporary name for my game engine.
The engine uses C++ with OpenGL, SDL2, glad, stb_image, GLM, ASSIMP, imgui.

The engine is a work in progress, but you can check the progress on my blog.
There is also a basic roadmap that I will update occasionally on this Github repositories wiki.
I plan to keep working on this project so check back regularly.

GitHub Project Link


  • This project orginally was a class project for me to get ahead of my learning and learn tools needed for a career in computer graphics.
  • Through this project i am learning: C++, Lua, Software Development, Computer Graphics, and Game Development.
  • Developed an alogrithm to generate a 3d convex polygon based on numbers of sides given from the user
  • Overhauled and seperated the ui from the renderer code of the engine
  • Created a file format and parser to store data of game environments as maps
  • Developed a script system with lua that allows a game programmer to implement logic on how they want their game objects to work
  • Created a project system allowing users to havy many different projects that they are able to work on in the engine
  • I submitted this project to TSA and made it to the state competition in Fort Worth, Texas.