KiruBot3.0 - A Python-based Discord Bot
Nov 27, 2021
KiruBot3.0 - A Python-based Discord Bot
A private discord bot using the library
I don’t make my bot publicly available but if there is a lot of support for it i’ll release it
Check out my blog for more updates on the bot
If you have any suggestions you would like to add to the bot be sure to contact me about them :)
GitHub Project Link
- Developing this project i learned many things about programming with API’s, Databases, and asynchronous functions.
- I have developed many iterations of KiruBot with the first being on C#.
However that was very early in my programming learning so i was essentially just coying code from a youtube tutorial.
The 2nd Iteration however was the Node.js iteration though i eventually grew a distaste of javascript so i moved to python.
- This Bot takes advantage of discords slash commands and the new api of after it came back.