In support of the whole indie web movement i have recently discovered i wanted to make a message to viewers of this blog in encouragement that ya'll would try to make a website yourself. Having a personal space here on the internet is something everyone on the internet should consider as its a chance to represent yourself in a massive digital world and find a sense of community. Some of the topics i will talk about will go through things you could show of on a website that represents you, web2 consideration, and resources you could you to create your own website.

Why you should consider it

As we are in the digital age we are witness to the shift to adapt to the internet in year of 2024. What i want to bring to your attention specifically is social and community here on the internet. Having your own personal website is a chance to show off what represents you like personal projects, music interests, favorite video games, thoughts, etc.

With your own personal website you may show off your cool new website to your friends who can learn more about you. Its always nice to have people look up to you so having cool things on your website could attract people to do that. In order to better form a community here on such a massive space of the internet people have created a concept called a web ring. This concept is a group of people who link their website to other peoples websites who have a common interest or theme as their own website making it so they can easily find other peoples websites with that interest and essentially form a small community. Search engines like Google don't do the best job at highlighting personal websites and communities so this is the best way to do that.

I like to view website communities like making friends in the digital world. By having a website you are using the best parts about meeting new people in reality and the digital world. I encourage you to try to join or create a webring and community here on the internet as a extension to your personal website. That way you can find friends and a place here on the very wide internet.

How to make your website represent you!

To inspire some creativity in your own personal website represent here on some things you could add to a website:

It is really up to you on how you want your site to display and look. While there are templates out there you can base your website on i suggest you diverge from the template in order for your site to be unique and represent you. Just make sure you have fun and can find a sense of community here on the internet.

Web 2.0 for those technologically inclined

While free website hosts are nice and all i believe that eventually you should graduate to your own web server if you are technologically inclined to do so. Free website hosts typically only provide static hosting which means you can't have anything dynamic or changing on your website. Only plain html, css, js. However, if you have your own web server you can have a dynamic blog like the one you are reading now.

People should start out learning plain html, css, and javascript and using static hosting as its the most easy entry point. As you hit a ceiling to your learning of web development you should graduate into learning how to create a web server that could improve your website. This does come with a intense learning curve as you have to learn how to code to create a web server. Though you may make it easier on yourself by researching a programming language that is easiest for you to code in. This web server uses Ktor in the Kotlin language but i have used Flask with Python and that option may be the easiest for beginners.

Web 2.0 is the next big step to improving your static website.

Resources for the interested

If you are interested in my arguments and wondering where to find resources on how to make a website i am here to gladly provide some:

HTML, CSS, JS Fun things Examples Web 2.0


Establishing a personal space on the internet is something everyone should think about. It offers a unique chance to showcase yourself in the expansive digital realm and to discover a sense of community. I am hoping that the indie web grows even further establishing a bigger community here in the digital world and we have a better internet than a corporate controlled one. If you made your own website because of this blog post feel free to tell and showcase it to me by emailing me at the bottom of this page.